Bottled Water Analysis

Disclosure: This post is not to promote a brand but only used for comparison

Hi guys it's been awhile I know and I am writing this in the edge of a weekend.

I'm back and in search of the best water in town, my question is...

Have you ever checked once or even cared to check the water analysis written in the bottle of water you are drinking? Did you know that it is important to know what's in the water you are gulping down everyday?
We have tried several bottled water here at work and we keep on changing depending on what's available at the supermarket. We need to stick to one and for that purpose I  created a chart to compare the quality of water while I also stumbled upon another chart that has more brands comparison here.

As you can see above the pH are all different. pH is the one that determines the acidity or alkalinity of the water source. Pure water has a pH 7 however it taste flat.The desirable drinking water pH range from 6.5 to 8.5 according to WHO standards. Make it lower and it is acidic and higher makes the water harder with more dissolve solids/mineral in it. Some people prefer to drink mineral water for its mineral content and health benefits but the taste is altered. We can also note that there are different kinds of water that is namely natural mineral water, spring water and natural or drinking water that varies in the amount of TDS and pH level. So why it is important to track the levels of pH and TDS? "It says that when the water source has a high TDS level or the pH is low, it is likely that there are other harmful contaminants in the water.

You will notice that the pH of Al Ain water, Nestle water and Evian in the comparison of Foodiva are the ones next to pure. Pure water has pH 7, that taste flat as I have already said so I did not like that. Because of this exercise of comparing pH and TDS level of water we are drinking in the office, I know now with what to stick to.

There is a catch though, the plastic bottle, that we also need to inspect. We are already aware that we should not drink bottled water left in the car or stored and been left under the sun for a long time because heat tend to dissolve Bisphenol A or BPA from the plastic bottle that is a harmful chemical and can make us sick. So even with the water that we drink, we need to be aware and we need to take care.

Did you find this post interesting or helpful? Was it first time for you to encounter the terms pH and TDS like I do? Well it's good to know isn't it. spread the word to your friends, please don't leave without commenting, it is important to me.

I hope you guys have a good weekend.

My Yellow Bells

Carla is a lifestyle blogger based in Dubai who's thankful to call this ever-evolving city her second home. The pages of this blog are filled with stories about her expat life in the sandpit. It features dining and travel adventures in and around the city and beyond. It also features food recipes, parenting tips, and fashion style.


Please feel free to share your own story or views here.


  1. ofcouse this has been helpful :) but they say, our body has to be alkaline, meaning pH should be higher than 7, and it is not good for our body to be acidic (lower than 7), now im confuse hehe!

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