Why Are All The Boys In My Yard?

We were into a lot of quotable quotes lately and I've been giving mom the low-down of what I am learning at school. I guess it got into her, she bought me this pretty grey top from Max Fashion with "why are all the boys in my yard?" question. I find it too cute with that ice cream with a cherry on top. I wore it when we went to the mall.

I am also wearing my uber comfy blue stretchable jeans from H&M, shoes from converse and bag from H&M.

My Yellow Bells

Carla is a lifestyle blogger based in Dubai who's thankful to call this ever-evolving city her second home. The pages of this blog are filled with stories about her expat life in the sandpit. It features dining and travel adventures in and around the city and beyond. It also features food recipes, parenting tips, and fashion style.

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