Last month, we bought an Anthurium plant from Ace Hardware at Dubai Festival City. I really wanted to put an indoor plant to add color and life in our home. One pot is quite expensive as it cost AED 59.00 and I can only buy 1 pot at that time. We also bought 2 more pots (AED 6) and a sack of soil (AED 10), the reason I bought these extras is because I am already thinking of propagating the plant. I checked the Anthurium pot and there is enough healthy shoots ready to be separated into new pots. I did it once we reached home.

Now instead of one I have three pots, I already save AED 96.oo by just doing the propagation of the plant myself. I have a green thumb so as my dad always told me. Whenever i plant something it always thrive. I kept 2 pots of Anthurim with me and I gave the 3rd pot to my mother-in-law as a gift. Isn't it wonderful? I saved a lot of money and it is really fun doing things yourself. You can also do the same thing. Try it now. If you dont like anthurium you can opt for other indoor plant species that can be easily propagated.
Now the challenge is to keep the Anthurium flowering.
Now the challenge is to keep the Anthurium flowering.