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Above is a very interesting photo I found when I was looking for the Nokia phone photos I previously owned. Photo courtesy of Aidan Wojitas of Flickr.
I am meaning to finish this article which is already late OR NOT for the Nokia article contest for Pinoy Expat Blog Awards (PEBA)
I am proud to say that I only had four Nokia phones all my life and never use any other mobile phone brands at all and even I had another phone on my 2009 Christmas wish list which until now did not materialize, still Nokia will be the number 1 phone for me, tried and tested over the years ever since my technology awakening. If you happen to read the article, I mentioned that I want a new phone but until now, I and my N70 are still hanging out together. I don't know what's got into me but I intend not to buy another phone unless I receive it as a gift or the N70 goes bad.
Through the years Nokia has been my constant companion in reaching my loved ones any time of the day 24/7. My first Nokia phone was the 5110, the phone that my mom won in a raffle draw in our town's local supermarket. It was the Nokia phone that bridged us to my sister when she decided to work overseas again. It was the Nokia phone that rings even in the middle of the night that we excitedly answer knowing that it was her calling us from Dubai. It was the Nokia phone that takes us closer to her. It was from that Nokia mobile phone where we used to hear the sound of her kisses, her laughs, her tears, and all her stories.
I bid farewell to my Nokia 5110 when I received the very first gift from my boyfriend who is now my husband, a Nokia 7210, he bought 2 phones, one for him and one for me. I was very excited to open the box, a new phone, wow...I could not stop grinning, I can't hide my happiness. Do you know the feeling when you receive a gift and you're so excited to open it? That gift was very special, we were new, with a budding romance between us. My Nokia 7210, is the phone that heats up when we talk over the phone until midnight. The phone burns about 5 x 30 AED telephone cards in a day or two. It was the same phone that we use to call our loved ones in the Philippines every Friday.
The third Nokia phone I had was a Nokia 7610 which captures all developments in the life of my daughter from the day she was born until she celebrates her 2nd birthday. It was the Nokia 7610 that witness all the milestones of her growing years. I saved all the videos and photos taken using this mobile phone for my daughter so that she may see them when she grows up.
Last but not least was my dearest N70. When I and my husband buys a new phone, we always buy the same unit and the same color. I bought an N70 last 2006 before our vacation in the Philippines and from then onwards I did not buy any new phone, I was so contented with N70, I did not bother to look at what unit comes after that. For four long years, the N70 functioned like new, it was so reliable, durable, and undeniably feature perfectly. Most of our captured moments whether photos or videos come from N70. I dropped it so many times but nothing happens, I am almost convinced that it's indestructible. Over the years, N70 was my constant companion, it knows me from the inside out, (kung tao lng cya, sobrang trustworthy nya kasi it knows all about me, even my deepest secret that has been shared with the closest friends and family) Until now, N70 has been very loyal. It is the phone that until now receives the hi and hellos from friends, blessing from my mom, I love yous and I miss yous from my kids and husband. It is the same phone that connects me to Qatar where my sister and her family now live. It is the same phone that I use to call mom every Friday and every time we miss her. Nokia, Connecting OFW Families over the years and the years to come.
More power to Nokia, in case I become lucky during the awards night, N70 will be passed on to my daughter who is now 6 years old and will start her journey with Nokia. N900 here I come! :) Grinning BIG!
My daughter in the year 2006-she was 2 years old here. Nokia model na!
wow naalala ko ang Nokia 2110 ko nun tapos 8810, 8850, 6600 at 7650, galing, ganda ng kwento!