What Happens During Lasik Surgery - My Personal Experience
I started wearing prescription glasses when I was twenty-eight years old. I am now forty-one. I …
I started wearing prescription glasses when I was twenty-eight years old. I am now forty-one. I …
Our little girl is one. Turned one last month. No big parties, just us family, celebrating her a…
I didn't realize that my last visit to my doctor would determine when my baby would be born.…
They say family portraits are important because of three main reasons. Growth. Milestone. …
"Mommy I want to become a YouTuber." Prince once told me. "A YouTuber is a …
My kids have a six-year gap. Both were born in April but one at the beginning of the month and …
I’m probably the saddest mom yesterday since no one from my kids nor did the husband greeted me…
This is Uno, the cutest doggie on the planet :D (Syempre, bias ako :D) Uno was a our frien…
I finally found the perfect lunch box for my son. I've been looking for this type of lunc…
Finally, I have the time to post an update, and honestly, I don't know where to begin. How …
Dubai road is crowded with luxurious cars, name it and they have it. It has become the norm to …
One more thing I like about Dubai and that one thing that is special apart from the millions th…
I was completely heartbroken when I learned that one of my dearest aunts passed away, she'…
Since Ferald started his new job, we rarely had a family day out on a Friday. DSF which is one…
I married a Filipino guy not knowing that he has some Chinese roots, I only learned later on t…
"Even the tiniest glimpse of nature deliver a psychological boost" Three months …
Hi guys! It's been a while since my last post. How have you been? Me? Busy trying to put …
Before I step out of the car yesterday, I greeted my man "happy fathers day" and he l…
Just recently two new Salik toll gates were installed in the UAE, one at the Ittihad Road betw…
"Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the presen…
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